Transaction Lifecycle

A description about how each step is handled, using or not the antifraud solution.

Sales with tickets system

When selling with Ingresse ticketing system, there are only three steps to run:

  1. Authenticate the user who is purchasing
  2. Start a transaction, to hold the tickets during payment step.
  3. Send payment information to conclude the sales process.

Transaction Status

Orders running through our antifraud system can activate or deactivate the manual review service. The lifecycle is similar both ways, but manual review will add a step before the final status. Below you can see how it works:

  1. pending: for transactions that are waiting for a payment.
  2. authorized: when a payment request is done with capture false.
  3. manual review: when the antifraud automated rules decides it is better to have an analyst to take a look at the transaction. The manual review will trigger the next status based in the decision our team choose.
  4. approved / declined: the last definitive status, when it comes from a manual review, it will trigger a registered webhook to your system.


Manual review closer to events

When the antifraud system detects the transaction has not enough time to be manual reviewed because of its event, the decision process will decline the transaction.